Feelin’ Me

Life is good and getting better. I’m focused on my healing mission and work, and the trees of growth and opportunity planted in this field continually yield more succulent fruits. I’ve been expanding my work in Boston and I’m beginning to see that this city I once had nothing but disdain for has now opened up as a channel of abundance in unexpected ways. Further proof that the Universe in which I choose to Be is one of Possibilities.

Through my continued study of my Life, with all of its events, choices, and whisperings, and my consciously expanding connection to the realms in and around me, I find more and more that I am occupying multiple worlds at once. This is our reality anyway whether we are concious of it or not, but to conciously span the illusory gulf between the known and unknown worlds (everything is known!) is like carrying pleasant secrets known only by your closest friends.

As I have done more and more healing work, both on my Self and others, my empathic abilities and energetic/spiritual sensitivity have heightened and sharpened. My spiritual/metaphysical world of thought and experience has expanded dynamically. My shifts in consciousness, impelled by my own intention and will, happen much more readily and easily. I am more acutely aware of the thoughts, feelings, and energies around me and learning better to distinguish them from my own and adjust accordingly. I have always done this to varying degrees but I am now much, much more aware. I hear the language of silence that thunders its whisperings of Truth to the open heart and awakened mind.

To show what I mean, I did one healing over the phone where the person complained of certain physical symptoms. I opened the session with an ‘intentionalization’, in which I make a clear statement as to what my intention is for this session while remaining open to whatever the Universe has in Mind. She agreed to and accepted the stated intent.

Before I applied any protocol I listened to what she had to say about her affliction. She spoke about it in general terms, nothing specific yet. I suddenly felt a fever in my body, all at once. I had to lie down while I listened to her as I wondered why I was feeling like this. I thought to ask her if she had a fever and did ask her. She replied that she did and asked how I knew. I told I ‘got it’. Realizing what was happening, I spoke to my Self in thoughts and breathed. I simply instructed my Self to remain an open channel of healing and ‘processed the sick energy’ through the power of intent. By the end of the talking there was no need to apply any protocol because she was totally healed.

When I intentionalized the session and she agreed, a flow of energy was established between me and her and we shared a ‘quantum field’ of intention and its resonance. It was established by only a thought. No tapping was done, but we got the results much quicker than if we had tapped.

And once this sort of thing happens, where my knowledge takes a leap forward through the luxury of experience, I immediately go within to digest the possibilities of what can be. Only a thought. Nothing physical. Like Flower Essences or Homeopathic remedies – the ‘dosage’ is merely an energetic imprint of vibration/information conveyed through light and water. There is no molecular exchange.

We know this is possible because with energy (and everything is energy) all things are possible. But it’s also preferable, for me at least. It’s much more efficient than tapping or needles or yoga, for example (which is not to say that these or other methods have no place in healing and Self-discovery, because they do – but they won’t always will because they are bound to the material for the exchange; spirit does not need needles. And if I experience a quicker way, a more efficient way, through pure thought vibration and nothing else, I am compelled to explore and develop that now rather than later.) Get the body out of the way and go right to the essence of vibrational healing for it is only then that we do with Life what we are meant to do – evolve. The denser the energy with which we work, the slower the results, and vice-versa.

We are in a time of rapid evolutionary growth. Intuition is the key for this time, as with any other but especially for this time, and old protocols are passing the baton of relevance to new modalities. Even the new modalities are succumbing to rapid change through rapid innovation.

The rigidity of ‘old’ systems is made more apparent when shone upon with the light of the new (but, as always, much thanks and credit to the ‘old’ for having sustained us through our preparation for the next step. The ‘old’ is always graced with honor).

The more subtle levels and forms of energy is my focus, because there comes a point when there is no protocol, no dogma, no method. Not even a philosophy. There are only principles and laws which primarily relate not to one another but to us, to Consciousness. Guided by intent, it (Consciousness) yields only to Itself, whether through seemingly contained processes of matter and mechanism or the unobstructed possibilities of Mind and Energy. It is all one infinite unit of Consciousness. One, yet All, so None.

I don’t have a clear picture of how my work, and I in it, will evolve – I just know it will because it is, as I will because I am. I do know that the mission is clear – to heal myself and know my Self and assist others in creative, intuitive ways to do the same for themselves and, in doing thus, awaken and fly.

I think back on my life and the events of its days, and I now consider all that I had endured through the altering lens of Gratitude. Gratitude because, number one, my story is my story but it is not who I am. It is not I AM. Number two, since the story is not who I am, I am free to connect to the story differently than I had in the past. Now the hidden layers of lessons embedded in my life come to the surface for me to see, learn from, apply, and appreciate, adding to my God-consciousness.

I LOVE the in-between world of the in-between world of thought, energy, and Consciousness. It’s enriched further by the fact that I have not read tons of books and materials on this though I have read and been exposed to my share of others’ thoughts and discoveries. (I have more books than I’ve read but I’m always buying more, always with the thought that I’ll get around to reading them ‘one day’). But I’ve read enough to confirm by shared experiences that my path, personally intimate to me, is not the domain of Knowing but the domain of Being.

Let me ask you this, what are all the parts and processes involved to make one breath? Do you need to know this in order to breathe? Neither do I need to know in order to be.

I find ‘higher consciousness’ or Mind or Spirit or energy or by whatever term one relates to it, to be as natural a place for me as an ocean shore. Being there is as natural as breathing. It is the home I carry within wherever I am and whomever I am with. It’s the nucleus of the different personae I employ, providing a centering force of high vibration and high intent.

My consciousness is only a single facet in the infinite, Diamond-Mind of Creator. And I’m really feelin’ this single facet I call….me.

the truth i seek i am

One response to “Feelin’ Me

  1. Your love, your light, your dedication to Truth inspires and astounds me. I am ETERNALLY grateful for the crossing of our paths and how you share your thoughts in this forum. You are my teacher, my lover, my friend.Moving through this incarnation with you is a privelege I am supremely grateful for.Your understanding and experience of our energetic realms is a comfort; no need to explain where I go when I enter the space of Spirit; lovely to see you on the other side of my wandering.I know that other’s share my thoughts and feelings expressed here about your incredible gifts and talent.Don’t EVER stop writing, Angel.


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